
What Time Are the MCAT Scores Released? 2025

Written by: Adaora Ezike, MPH
Reviewed by: Kristine Thorndyke

You’ve taken your MCAT and now the waiting begins. What time are MCAT scores released? How many days does it take to get my scores back? Why is it taking so long? 

These are questions every MCAT test taker has had before you as well as every test taker will have after you. Thankfully, the waiting is not that long (depending on who you ask) and the score release is generally on time.

What Time are MCAT Scores Released? 

All MCAT score releases take place by 5PM ET on the scheduled date of the score release.

The MCAT score release takes place in about 30-35 days after the test and can be found on the AAMC official website or in our table below for the 2024 MCAT test dates

AAMC MCAT Score Release Dates 2024

Test Date60 Day Deadline30 Day Deadline10 Day DeadlineScore Release
January 12Nov. 13, 2023Dec. 13, 2023Jan. 2Feb. 13
January 13Nov. 14, 2023Dec. 14, 2023Jan. 3Feb. 13
January 18Nov. 19, 2023Dec. 19, 2023Jan. 8Feb. 20
January 26Nov. 27, 2023Dec. 27, 2023Jan. 16March 1
March 9Jan. 9Feb. 8Feb. 28April 9
March 22Jan. 22Feb. 21March 12April 23
April 12Feb. 12March 13April 2May 14
April 13Feb. 13March 14April 3May 14
April 26Feb. 26March 27April 16May 29
April 27Feb. 27March 28April 17May 29
May 4March 5April 4April 24June 4
May 10March 11April 10April 30June 11
May 11March 12April 11May 1June 11
May 16March 17April 16May 6June 18
May 24March 25April 24May 14June 25
June 1April 2May 2May 22July 2
June 14April 14May 15June 4July 16
June 15April 16May 16June 4July 16
June 22April 23May 23June 12July 23
June 27April 28May 28June 17July 30
July 13May 14June 13July 3Aug. 13
July 26May 27June 26July 16Aug. 27
August 2June 3July 3July 23Sept. 4
August 17June 18July 18Aug. 7Sept. 17
August 23June 24July 24Aug. 13Sept. 24
August 24June 25July 25Aug. 14Sept. 24
September 5July 7Aug. 6Aug. 26Oct. 8
September 6July 8Aug. 7Aug. 27Oct. 8
September 13July 15Aug. 14Sept. 3Oct. 15
September 14July 16Aug. 15Sept. 4Oct. 15

Do MCAT Scores Come Out Early? 

There have been cases in the past where MCAT scores were released one to two days early, but this is extremely rare and is likely not going to happen for you. 

It’s not uncommon, however, for the score to be released before 5PM ET on the scheduled day of release. 

mcat score release reddit

What to Do While Waiting for MCAT Scores

Let me guess – you feel like you did horribly on the MCAT and are wondering if you should be diving straight back into studying? If this sounds like you, understand that you are not unique (sorry). Everyone feels like they bombed the test afterwards. Jumping straight into studying right after taking the MCAT is a recipe for burnout. You have a few weeks to switch gears while you wait for the MCAT score release. 

Assuming you’ve been preparing adequately for the MCAT over the past several months, it’s likely you have neglected other areas of your life that could use some love. Go back to the gym, throw yourself into your schoolwork, or brush up on your med school applications. Spend a bit of time setting up a plan of what you will do when you get your MCAT scores back, and then dive into life beyond the MCAT for the next month. 

What NOT to Do While Waiting for MCAT Scores

Do not, I repeat, do not let yourself dwell on the test. That’s in the past and there is nothing you can do to change your performance. Try to stay off subreddits or forums with students discussing how they felt about the test (remember – nobody felt great about how they did, and it’s just an echo chamber for self doubts).

Related: What’s a Perfect MCAT Score

Why Do MCAT Scores Take a Month to Release? 

According to the AAMC, the “AAMC scales and equates each exam after each test day.  This takes 30 to 35 days. The scaling and equating process is done to account for small differences in the difficulty of test questions when we convert the number of questions you answer correctly to the MCAT score scale.”

This also allows for students to submit questions or concerns regarding the exam or the testing conditions and for the AAMC to review and investigate each of these issues. 

How to Check Your MCAT Scores

To view your MCAT scores, you can go to the AAMC website and click the “Get Your Test Scores” button. On your score report, you will also see your percentile. This percentile shows you the percentage of test takers who either received your score or lower on the exam – it’s extremely helpful to see how you stacked up against the other examinees on your MCAT test. 

The AAMC MCAT will post a tweet when scores are released, so also be sure to follow them to stay current on score release times. 

See more on MCAT score conversion and percentiles

How to Plan Around an MCAT Score Release Day

There are two likely scenarios for your MCAT score release. You are happy with your score, or you are not. Let’s consider each of these situations: 

You’re happy with your MCAT Score

Congratulations on this achievement! You’ve worked so hard preparing for the MCAT and now is the time to start moving forward in your medical school application process. Go through our medical school application timeline, where we share the next steps, such as preparing your personal statement and acing your medical school interview

You’re unhappy with your MCAT Score

There’s certainly a chance you will not be happy with your MCAT score, and you have a couple of options here in regards to what you do next. 

Your first option is to evaluate your application as a whole and whether you can still be accepted into the medical schools of your choice with your current score. Students have certainly been accepted into medical schools with a low MCAT score and have lived to tell us about it.

I really like this video by MCAT Self Prep, where they suggest finding med schools where you’ve scored in the 25th percentile as potential options for acceptance. Or the 10th percentile if you have an extremely unique background that makes up for the lower MCAT score. 

The next step after you have narrowed down your medical schools list that fit your MCAT score is focusig on the areas of your medical school application that show who you are and what makes you a great addition to this medical school.

We’ve compiled a list of the 18 easiest medical schools to get into based on acceptance rates, average GPA, and average MCAT score of admitted students.

A second option is to retake the MCAT. You can retake the MCAT up to 3 times per calendar year (and 7 times in your lifetime). If you were not using an MCAT prep course, this may be your sign to invest in an MCAT course that will keep you accountable and on track for improving upon any glaring weaknesses. 

MCAT Score Release and Med School Deadlines

Keep in mind that medical schools have a range of deadlines, so knowing your MCAT score release date is imperative to get them to admissions officers in time for review. Future years should follow a very similar schedule. Due to the MCAT score release, it’s important for you to take the MCAT by May if your intention is to be among the first applications to your top medical schools. Taking an exam later than May means that your test scores will be sent to medical schools after those who took it during May. As an example, if you took the MCAT on June 1st,  then the earliest this application can be reviewed is July 3rd. 

Med school admissions experts recommend submitting your application as early as possible, as applications that are submitted during the first cycle have an earlier chance of being reviewed and of acceptance! Read more on when to take the MCAT

MCAT Score Release FAQ

Do you get notified when MCAT scores are released?

No – you will not receive an email or notification regarding when the MCAT scores are released. You should plan on checking the AAMC score score report at the time indicated by the score release or check the AAMC MCAT Twitter for a tweet when it’s released.  

Do all MCAT scores get sent?

Yes. Unless you voided your MCAT score immediately upon completing your test, all MCAT scores will be sent to medical schools. 

Does voiding MCAT scores look bad?

No. Medical schools will not see a record of you taking the MCAT if you voided your scores immediately upon completing the MCAT test. A voided score will, however, count as an attempt. Read more on voiding MCAT scores.