
The ACT Test Dates for 2023-2024

Written by: Kristine Thorndyke

If you’re planning on taking the ACT in 2025 or beyond – it’s time to start planning on which of the ACT test dates you’ll take the test and make a study plan! See upcoming test dates and good luck to your prep!

ACT Test Dates 2023-2024

ACT Test DateRegistration DeadlineLate Registration DeadlineStandby & Photo Upload DeadineEstimated Score Release
December 9, 2023November 3November 17December 1December 26, 2023-February 2, 2024
February 10, 2024January 5January 19February 2February 26-April 5, 2024
April 13, 2024March 8March 22April 5April 29-June 7, 2024
June 8, 2024May 3May 17May 31June 24-August 2, 2024
July 13, 2024*June 7June 21July 5July 29-September 6, 2024

*No New York testing areas available on this test date

Note: you can find all ACT testing centers here.

How Much Does the ACT Cost?

The ACT itself is $68 (no writing) and $93 (with writing). That said, there are a lot of ways to manage racking up fees on the ACT. Let’s start with the basic costs associated with the ACT:

ACT Tests & Prices

ACT (no writing)$68Includes reports for you, your high school, and up to 4 colleges (if codes are provided when you register).
ACT (with writing)$93Includes reports for you, your high school, and up to 4 colleges (if codes are provided when you register).
Test option change$25You may add or remove the writing test through the late deadline.

Additional ACT Fees

Late Registration$38Registration or test date change made during the late period for a national test date.
Standby Testing$68Refunded if you are denied admission to the test center on test day or registration was cancelled due to no photo provided.
Change Fee$44Includes making a Test Date Change or Test Center Change. 
Score Report to 5th and 6th College$18.50Request online before the test date. Refundable on written request if you do not test.
Additional Score Report$18.50You can request additional score reports online after registration.
Test Information Release (TIR)$32/ $40If the order is placed before the test begins / If the order is placed after the test. See more on the Test Information Release.
Score Verification$58/ $58/ $116For multiple-choice test score verification / For writing test score verification / For both multiple-choice and writing test score verification

What’s the ACT Fee Waiver Program?

The ACT will waive the regular registration fee (with or without writing) for up to 4 tests for eligible students. If you register with a fee waiver, you will also receive free access to Kaplan’s on demand ACT prep course. Additionally, you will qualify to add the TIR (Test Information Release) to your registration at no additional cost and gain additional free test reports. Finally, the ACT will waive all college application fees.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, here’s how you qualify, per the ACT:

  • Be currently enrolled in high school in the 11th or 12th grade.
  • Be testing in the United States, US territories, or Puerto Rico.
  • Meet one or more of the indicators of economic need listed below:
    • Enrolled in a federal free or reduced-price lunch program at school, based on US Department of Agriculture (USDA) income levels.
    • Enrolled in a program for the economically disadvantaged (for example, a federally funded program such as GEAR UP or Upward Bound). Note: If the student participates in a program, but is not economically disadvantaged, they are not eligible for a fee waiver.
    • Resides in a foster home, is a ward of the state, or is homeless.
    • Family receives low-income public assistance or lives in federally subsidized public housing.
    • Family’s total annual income is at or below USDA levels for free or reduced-price lunches on the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website.

If you meet these eligibility requirements, then you should speak with your school counselor who will verify and give you a fee waiver code to use during your ACT test registration.

Are you taking the ACT this year? Let us know by commenting below!