digital sat

Digital SAT Test Dates & Deadlines 2024-2025

Written by: Kristine Thorndyke

You’re now able to register for the SAT for the 2024-2025 test dates! Have a look at the registration deadlines as published by the College Board.

SAT Test Dates & Registration Deadline 2024-2025

SAT Test DateRegistration DeadlineLate Registration Deadline
December 7, 2024November 22November 26
March 8, 2025February 21February 25
May 3, 2025April 18April 22
June 7, 2025May 22May 27

How to Register for the SAT

Registration for the SAT is super easy. You will need to create an account with the College Board here. When registering, you’ll need a valid photo ID. After you enter your personal information, you will need to select the test date and location (a tool for finding one near you can be found here). Once you’ve registered, you can get ready to prep with a course or one of our top recommended SAT prep books.

How Much Does the SAT Cost?

The registration fee for the SAT is $60. That said, there are additional fees that may be incurred – so be aware of these extra costs when registering for the SAT:

Additional SAT Registration Costs

Change test center$25For changing your test center only
Cancel fee$25For cancelling your registration by registration deadline
Late cancel fee$35For canceling your registration after the registration deadline
Late registration$30For registering after the regular deadline but before the late registration deadline

Score Service Fees

As you may have noticed in the fee theme, you are going to be nickel and dimed for everything extra you need outside of taking the SAT test. Here are the rest of the fees associated with any sort of score service you’ll need:

Additional score reports$14 per reportYour first four score reports are free if you order them by nine days after the test date. Additional reports or reports ordered after that time incur this fee.
Rush reports$31Additional score report fees apply
Get scores by phone$15Available at the same time as online scores
Archived scores$13Additional score report fees apply
SAT Question-and-Answer Service$16
SAT Student Answer Service$16
Hand score verification$55

Related: The 8 Best SAT Prep Courses for High Scorers

What is the Fee Waiver?

If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can register to take the SAT for free 2 times as well as enjoy other free services including unlimited score reports sending to colleges, waived application fees to college, no late registration fees, and more. See the full list here.

Who’s Eligible for the Fee Waiver?

The College Board has published a list of eligibility that can be found here. Here are the eligibility requirements:

  • You’re enrolled in or eligible to participate in the federal National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
  • Your family’s annual income falls within the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service.
  • You’re enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (e.g., TRIO programs like Upward Bound).
  • Your family receives public assistance.
  • You’re unhoused or reside in federally subsidized public housing or a foster home.
  • You’re a ward of the state or an orphan.

Are you taking the SAT this year? Let us know by commenting below!